Saturday, March 21, 2015


Every passenger entering Indian has to pass through a Customs check.

 He / She must fill up the Disembarkation Card clearly mentioning the quantity and value of goods that he has brought. 
On his / her arrival the passenger is first cleared by Immigration Officer, 
who retains the Immigration portion of the Disembarkation Card.
 Thereafter the passenger takes the delivery of his/her baggage from the conveyer belts & passes through Customs.
 The passenger has the option of seeking clearance through the Green Channel or through the Red 

Channel subject to the nature of goods being carried. GREEN AND RED CHANNELS 

For the purpose of Customs clearance of arriving passengers, a two channel system has been adopted 

(i) Green Channel for passengers not having any dutiable goods.

 (ii) Red Channel for passengers having dutiable goods.

 However, (i) All the passengers shall ensure to file correct declaration of their baggage.

 (ii) Green channel passengers must deposit the Customs portion of the disembarkation card to the Customs official at the gate before leaving the terminal.

 (iii) Declaration of foreign exchange/currency has to be made before the custom officers in the following cases :

 (a) where the value of foreign currency notes exceed US $ 5000 or equivalent

 (b) where the aggregate value of foreign exchange including currency exceeds US $ 10,000 or equivalent - Passengers walking through the Green Channel with dutiable / prohibited goods are liable to prosecution/ penalty and confiscation of goods. - Trafficking of Narcotics and Psychotropic substances is a serious offence and is punishable with imprisonment. 2 DUTY FREE ALLOWANCES AND ENTITLEMEN